'A Man is Either Free or He Is Not' Amiri Baraka
Nanook’s mural is informed by the work, particularly a social essay by the late Amiri Baraka, and his desire for a person to be an individualist. His mural creates parallels, to poetic lines through form and color.
A list of its elements from left to right:
Two all-terrain tires
A plane
A solid Black line
A Black line becoming White
A White line becoming Black
A solid White line
Digital distortion of a rear car light
An Explosion
Zinc bars
Amiri Baraka’s Eyes
A reproduction of Albert Bierstadt’s painting “Emerald Pool”
Nanook is a muralist and fine artist. His work weaves contemporary social issues with local history and folklore to create site-specific installations. His work has been a part of the N.V Massaquoi school rebuild in West Point, Liberia; in addition to the Painted Desert Project; Open Walls Baltimore; and Living Walls Atlanta.
Nanook currently lives in Boulder, CO but spends the majority of his time traveling and creating work around the world. “A Man is Either Free or He is Not” Amiri Baraka is his first mural in the City of Newark.
Instagram: @nanookoso